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What Is a Healthy Humidity Level in My Home?

Did you know that the humidity levels inside your home can make a huge difference in indoor air quality, comfort, and even heating and cooling efficiency? It’s true. And if the air in your home is too dry or too humid, it can have a major impact on your family and your HVAC system.

The good news is that we have solutions to help you achieve healthy humidity levels based on your unique needs. You can keep reading to learn more about why healthy humidity levels are so important and how a humidifier or dehumidifier can benefit your home.

Humidity Range

According to experts, a healthy humidity level for your home falls somewhere between 30% and 50%. You may prefer your home to be slightly more or less humid within this range. Without a way to measure the humidity levels, it can be difficult to tell how much humidity is in the air of your home. However, it can be very obvious when the air is significantly drier or more humid based on how the air feels.

You may consider purchasing a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels inside your home over a week or two. This can help you determine how the humidity levels are without any help from a humidifier or dehumidifier. 

Risks of Unbalanced Humidity 

There are a lot of risks associated with air that is either too dry or too humid. Both extremes can put you at a greater risk of getting sick or suffering from allergies. Air that is too humid often feels muggy and sticky. Too much humidity can make the air feel warmer than it really is, which can be a benefit in the wintertime, but only to a certain point. Too much humidity is just too much.

High humidity levels also lead to mold growth inside your home, which adds yet another risk. When there is too much moisture in the air, mold is able to thrive. There are always some mold spores in the air, but with the right conditions, those spores can spread very quickly and get out of control. 

Air that is too dry can make it difficult to sleep at night because there isn’t enough moisture in the air for the mucous membranes in your sinuses. You may feel like your nose and throat are dry and scratchy. You will also feel less comfortable during the day, especially when you add in the lack of sleep. 

Solutions for Balancing Humidity

When you’re able to control the humidity in your home, you can reduce the risks associated with air that is too humid or too dry. You’ll boost comfort in your home and may even lighten the load on your air conditioner and heater. You can do this by investing in a humidifier or a dehumidifier. If you’re not sure which of these solutions you need, our team can help. 

You can also talk to our team about your options, and we can help you select a humidifier or dehumidifier that will meet your needs. A whole house unit will automate balancing humidity levels for your home. You can select a humidity range that fits your needs and the unit will help to maintain that level around the clock.

Contact Kennihan Plumbing & Heating, Inc. today to schedule an appointment with our professionals. We treat your home like it’s our grandma’s home.

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