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Serving Northern Allegheny & Butler Counties

24/7 Emergency Service Available


This Is What Your AC Is Missing


Now that we’re out of the thick of the warm weather, we want you to sit back and take a moment to reflect. How was your air conditioning service this summer? Can you say that you’re satisfied with the work you received from your home’s HVAC system? If you can’t answer this question with a confident “yes,” then it’s time for you to do a little more for your home.

We specialize in air conditioning in Butler, PA. This means we can do it all. We the experts on everything from ductwork all the way down to your thermostat. We want to focus on your thermostat today. Your thermostat matters and we’re here to do it justice.

Do You Need a New Thermostat?

First, let’s determine if you even need a new thermostat for your home. We know it’s probably not something you think about too often. That’s why we’re here to lay out all the guidelines for you.

  • The temperature readings on your thermostat are grossly inaccurate
  • You’ve noticed a spike in your energy bills
  • You notice frequent fluctuations in your home’s temperatures no matter what the thermostat reading is
  • You’ve never upgraded your home’s thermostat before
  • Your thermostat is over 10 years old
  • Your thermostat doesn’t always turn your thermostat on/off when you need it to

If you’ve read everything above and had a revelation about your home’s thermostat, this means you need to come to our professionals. We’re going to make sure you get the necessary service to correct the problem. We’ll ensure the process is as easy as possible for you too.

Smart or Wi-Fi?          

Once you decide you need a new thermostat for your house, the next thing you need to determine is if you’d like a smart or Wi-Fi thermostat for your home. Yes, you can just choose an updated version of a scaled-down digital thermostat, but we’d suggest you take things to the next level to get better comfort.

We suggest Wi-Fi thermostats because they allow you to get a finer level of control on your home’s heating and cooling. Have you ever had one of those days where you’re heading home from a hot day out in the sun and you know that your home is going to feel like an oven? You can avoid this feeling with a Wi-Fi thermostat. Wi-Fi thermostats allow you to program your home’s thermostat from absolutely anywhere in the world.

Smart thermostats take Wi-Fi thermostats to the next level. Smart thermostats like Wi-Fi thermostats allow you to program your home from almost anywhere, but they also “learn” how you like to temperature-control your home to streamline the process. This means that if you turn your HVAC system on to a similar temperature at a similar time each day, the thermostat will record and remember this for the future. Smart thermostats can even suggest eco-friendly practices to help you save money.

Contact Kennihan Plumbing & Heating, Inc. today to schedule an appointment with our team members. We treat your home like it’s our grandma’s home.

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