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Why Clean Your Ductless Mini Split System 

Having a ductless mini split AC means that you have to spend a little more time on homeowner maintenance. Since you have a miniature AC in each room of your house, dirt can collect more quickly. And cleaning the system is not optional, it is mandatory for your ductless mini split to keep heating and cooling your home efficiently. 

And sometimes, you may need a little extra help with ductless mini split cleaning. In that case, you can give our team a call. We are always happy to help with ductless AC, maintenance, and deep cleaning. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about the importance of keeping your ductless system clean. 

Improve Efficiency

One of the number one benefits of keeping your ductless mini split system clean is that it can work more efficiently. Your mini split unit is essentially a much smaller version of a whole house air conditioner. This means that the lines and components are all smaller, while still doing the same job. Smaller lines and smaller filters mean that the unit may need to be cleaned more often. The filter will collect dirt faster, and the drain lines can get clogged easier.

If you allow the air filter and drain lines to remain dirty, your air conditioner may begin to work harder to produce the same results. This is a problem for several reasons.

  • Your air conditioner is taking on more wear and tear when it works harder.
  • You also risk having poorer results since your air conditioner is not working as well as it should.
  • Your rooms may not get as warm or cool as you expect them to. 

Increase Lifespan

When your air conditioner takes on more wear and tear, it may not last as long. As a heat pump system, your mini split has a wide range of life expectancy. It could last anywhere from 10 to 15 years on average. When you consider that you could more than double the lifespan of your unit simply by cleaning it regularly, that’s a huge benefit. 

It can be very tedious at first to clean your mini split units, especially when you have multiple throughout your house for each room or zone. But once you learn the process, it will become easier over time. If you notice that your mini split is particularly dirty when it’s time to clean it each month, you may want to begin cleaning the unit more frequently than just once a month. 

Improve Indoor Air Quality

When your mini split system is dirty, all of those particles and allergens have a greater chance of recirculating through your air. But, when you clean your ductless mini split system, it is blowing cleaner air throughout your home.

When the filter is empty, it is more efficient at capturing more of those tiny particles that spread through your air and irritate your sinuses. But when the filter is clogged, more of those particles seep through and continue to reenter your air. 

Contact Kennihan Plumbing & Heating, Inc. today to schedule an appointment with our professionals. We treat your home like it’s our grandma’s home.

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