Kennihan Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

3 Steps to Take Before Turning On Your Furnace in Fall

Monday, September 4th, 2023

Fall is just around the corner and soon you will be turning your furnace on to heat your home as temperatures get cooler. But there are a few steps you need to take before you turn your furnace on for the first time this season.

It’s important to complete a few tasks before turning your furnace on because your furnace has been sitting unused through the summer months. And if through this testing you discover that something is wrong, you’ll need to call us for furnace repair in Gibsonia. You can keep reading to learn more about why these steps are so important ahead of turning your system on and how they can help your furnace this winter.

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These Are the Leading Reasons You May Need Heating Repair Now

Monday, March 6th, 2023

The winter season is almost over, and if you’ve made it through with your heater working great, you’re probably feeling pretty confident about your heater. But whether your heater is working well or giving you cause for concern, you still need to invest in heating repair before the season is over.

Your heater has been working hard all winter long to keep your home warm and has likely had to undergo a lot of strain. When you have our team come out for a heater tune-up, we can address small repair needs now so that when the next winter season rolls around, you know that it is ready to go. Keep reading to learn more about why heating repair is so crucial even at this time of year.

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Your Furnace Blower Motor is Out, Now What?

Monday, February 6th, 2023

Your furnace has a blower motor that helps to move heated air through the system and into your home. There are a variety of reasons that your furnace blower might stop working. While you may be tempted to troubleshoot these on your own, it’s always a good idea to enlist the help of an expert.

Even if you have the best intentions, if you don’t know exactly what you’re doing, you can cause more harm than good. If you need furnace repair in Butler County, our team is happy to help. In the meantime, you can learn more about why your furnace blower motor is out and what you need to do next. 

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What is Included in Furnace Installation?

Monday, January 23rd, 2023

Your older furnace is likely using much more energy as it ages compared to what a newer version would use. Upgrading your furnace is a big investment, but it can also save you on your monthly energy bills. If you are thinking about installing a new furnace in your home, you may be wondering what exactly happens during the installation process. 

The Department of Energy estimates that your furnace can waste up to 30% of its energy use if it is not properly installed. You want to make sure that a certified professional completes your furnace installation. This includes mobile home furnace installation, too. Keep reading to learn more about what is included in the furnace installation process.

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When Should I Worry About My Furnace?

Monday, December 12th, 2022

There are three levels of worry when it comes to your furnace. The first level is not being worried at all. Your furnace is working great and you rarely even think about the appliance at all. The second level is questionable. You suspect that something might be wrong, but you could also be imagining things. The third level is when problems are obvious. You have loud sounds and unusual smells and your heater function may be compromised.

Ideally, you want to identify problems when they are still small. Once furnace problems become obvious, the problems are more significant which means they’re also more costly and complex. If you’ve been searching for “furnace repair near me” and landed here, you’re in the right place. We have a team of experts who live to fix heater problems in the winter.

First, you have to be able to identify those problems. 

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How Do You Know if Your Gas Line is Leaking?

Monday, November 28th, 2022

Natural gas is our cleanest option when it comes to fossil fuels. It has a lower impact on the environment and it’s safe for your family. In fact, many homeowners prefer to have a natural gas heater over any other option because of its reliability. But what happens when your gas line is leaking?

Like everything, natural gas lines also pose some risks. Leaks are almost undetectable because natural gas doesn’t have a color or odor. But there are some signs you can pay attention to that may indicate your gas line is leaking. If you’ve been searching online for ‘gas line repair near me’ you can stop looking – you found us! 

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Why Is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air?

Monday, March 7th, 2022

The absolute last thing you want from your furnace is for it to blow out cold air, especially during chilly months. This is doubly true when you live in a northern city like Butler, Pennsylvania. If this happens with your furnace, don’t panic. There are a few potential reasons for a malfunction, and many of them are diagnosable without having to call in a specialist. Even if you do need professional help, understanding potential problems with your furnace makes you a more capable homeowner. Let’s explore some reasons why your furnace might be blowing out cold air below.

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Should You Repair Your Heater or Upgrade?

Monday, January 24th, 2022

When you’re having problems with your heater, the big question to ask eventually becomes should you repair your heater or replace it?

We understand how you might have trouble making this decision. After all, it’s not like your heater can talk to you and tell you when it’s ready to be upgraded. You just have to look for the signs.

If you’re wondering what signs point to repair versus what signs point to replacement, then you’ve found the right blog. We’re going to take the time today to inform you about heating repair in Wexford, PA. If you read through this blog and you still have questions, then it’s time to pick up the phone or schedule an appointment online. We’re happy to discuss specifics with you. 

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Key Warning Signs That You Need Furnace Repair

Monday, January 10th, 2022

The average temperature in Butler County is near freezing during this season. We know you’re arming up for the cold weather when you step outdoors. This is to be expected. One thing you should never have to do is put on several layers of clothing just to sit in your home. If this is a problem that you’re encountering, then it’s time to consider furnace repair in Allision Park, PA

The tricky thing about a furnace is that the signs that yours isn’t working properly can be subtle. We don’t want these to get out of hand and lead to a breakdown. We’re going to point out some of the top ones for you today. If you notice any of these signs, then it may be time for you to schedule an appointment for furnace repair. 

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What’s Causing Your Furnace Trouble

Monday, December 13th, 2021

It’s cold in Butler County and you need your heater. The number one problem that you might run into in the next few months is a furnace problem. If you’re having trouble with your furnace, we want to help you with your furnace repair in Wexford, PA. The last thing you want to do is wait on this type of work. Waiting is going to allow your furnace problem to get worse.

Today, we’re going to focus on the problems that cause heating repair in the first place. 

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