Things have been a little out of control this season. It’s as if you leave every light on in your home all day and all night. Your electricity bills are leaving the range of “high” and entering the realm of “unreasonable.” This isn’t something you should just sit on the sidelines for and watch happen. We can help you get this under control.
If you need a great electrician in Cranberry Township, PA, then we’re here to help you. Your electric bills should always be reasonable and we’re here to see they stay this way. Let’s figure out why your bill is high and what you can do about it.
Why Your Electric Bills Is So High
This is the question that brought you here—why is your home’s electric bill so high?
Misusing Your Lights
When you’re thinking about lighting a room, you should focus on spot lighting primarily. We’re talking about lamps and smaller lights of this nature.
Your ceiling light is never going to provide you with the light you need to read, write, or even use your computer. You’ll end up paying more if you rely on general lighting rather than spot lighting to get your specific lighting. Start honing in on these smaller lights.
Not Using Your Ceiling Fan Correctly
One common misconception about ceiling fans is that they affect a home’s overall temperature. This isn’t true. Your home’s ceiling fan only affects your personal body temperature. It does this by blowing cool air all over your body.
Leaving a ceiling fan on in an empty room isn’t helpful. It’s actually a waste of money. If you’re doing this then it’s likely the cause of your electricity problems.
Using Old Appliances
It might be time for you to get rid of those older appliances.
We know that certain appliances might be hand-me-downs or just have sentimental value to you. But appliances you’ve had since the late 1990s or even the early 2000s aren’t in their prime anymore. They’re sucking your home dry. You’re going to need to upgrade to energy-efficient devices. We’re going to help you find the right appliances.
Vampire Appliances
Do you leave your appliances plugged in even when you’re not using them? If your answer is along the lines of “of course so!” then this is part of your problem.
Your appliances are still drawing electricity from your home even when they’re not in active use. This is true even when they’re in that “off” position. Modern appliances don’t really turn “off” it’s more like you’re transitioning them over into screensaver mode. You can connect these appliances to power strips and turn off the strip altogether.
You’re Charger Crazy
All the things we use rely on electricity more than ever. Think about how many things you use on a daily basis that need a charge: your phone, computer, tablet, headphones, game systems, and more. If you’re leaving all these chargers plugged in even when you’re not charging devices, then you need to schedule an appointment with us.
Contact Kennihan Plumbing & Heating, Inc. today to schedule an appointment. We treat your home like it’s our grandma’s home.