Spring means that the sniffles and wheezing are probably getting the best of you. You don’t have to try to adjust your own needs to this. Instead, you can improve the overall quality of your home with air purifier services.
We find that homeowners are often venturing into new territory when it comes to indoor air quality services. This is okay. We don’t expect you to know everything. In fact, it’s why our friendly technicians are here to help you. We want you to have the best air purifier in Allison Park, PA. We’re prepared to help you with your air purification services. Let’s talk about everything you need to know today.
What’s an Air Purifier?
Air purifiers are devices that use an electric charge to pull in the contaminants moving through your home’s ventilation system. The contaminants they target include bacteria, viruses, pet dander, and more. An air purifier pulls in a wide range of particles and pollutants. These particles are stuck on a plate with an ionic charge, and they can be cleaned and removed later.
Air purifier is a general term. We also work with UV air purifiers. UV air purifiers emit ultraviolet light to kill off microorganisms like mold spores, bacteria, and viruses. UV air purifiers are great because they don’t need much maintenance and they’re completely integrated into your home’s HVAC system.
The type of air purifier you require depends on what you’re looking for and your personal needs. We’ll help you get exactly what you’re looking for.
The Benefits of this System
Here are a few benefits of an air purifier:
Relieves Respiratory Issues
Are you having trouble just breathing in your home?
You’re having trouble breathing in your home if you’re coughing, wheezing, or sneezing. You’re also having respiratory issues if you constantly feel like you’re battling a cold or you’re even dealing with asthma issues inside of your house. It’s time to get your respiratory issues in control.
Neutralizes Odors
Sometimes the chemicals, contaminants, and more are what’s making your home smell so terrible. If you’re constantly lighting candles, opening your windows to let in fresh air, and cleaning, it’s time to look toward your air quality. An air purifier can neutralize your home odors.
Eliminates Harmful Chemicals
It’s common for your home’s air to be filled with harmful chemicals. The cleaning agents you use are caustic. An air purifier can help you get the cleaner air you need for your home.
Improves Your Sleep
Are you snoring? Are you having trouble staying asleep through the night? Poor indoor air quality can actually trigger problems with your sleeping schedule.
Reduces the Chance of Diseases
Keeping the amount of contaminants in your home to a minimum is always going to benefit you. Airborne diseases like the common cold, the flu, etc. are spread through small pathogens that float through the air. An air purifier can work overtime to help you stay healthy.
Contact Kennihan Plumbing & Heating, Inc. to schedule an appointment with us. We treat your home like it’s our grandma’s home.