Home Performance Services Make Your Heating Great

March 8th, 2021

Are you trying to improve your home’s heating? You actually shouldn’t start with your heater itself. The heating services in your home aren’t all about your heater. They’re also about your home’s indoor air quality, duct services, and most importantly, your home performance services.

One of our specialties is home services in Butler County, PA. If you’re looking for services to improve your home’s heating services, we’re going to help you get exactly what you need. We perform a variety of services that we’ll walk you through below…

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Is It Time for a New Heater?

February 22nd, 2021

There’s trouble in paradise with your home’s heater. Things really haven’t been going the way you want them to. You’re not as warm as you want to be, you’re paying way more than you’d like to, and you’re having difficultly getting your home warm and staying warm. We’re here to help you find a great heater if it’s time for a new one. You don’t have to struggle to find a heater you need.

If you’re ready for heating replacement in Butler County, PA, then we can help you with everything you need. We’re happy to help you with whatever you need.

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A Few Signs That You’ve Got an Electrical Problem

February 8th, 2021

Unfortunately, there are quite a few electrical problems that you might encounter in your home. The world is different right now. We’re spending more time at home trying to stay safe, and we’re spending more time at home because it’s cold out. You’re putting more strain on your home than ever before just because you’re spending more time there. Do you know how to spot the signs of an impending electrical problem?

We have the best electricians in Cranberry Township, PA. If you’ve got a problem, we’re going to be sure to pinpoint the source of it, inform you about how it happened, and we’re going to solve the problem as well. We’re skilled.

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How to Rid Your Home of Heating Problems

January 25th, 2021

If you clicked the link to this blog expecting a miracle step to fix every problem your furnace is having, you’ve got the wrong blog. The bad news is that every blog is going to be the wrong blog. There’s no “flip of the switch” that will rid your home of every furnace problem. However, there are many things you can do to help your furnace out from the start. We’re here to name a few for you today.

If you find that you’re in need of heating repairs in Mars, PA, then we can be the team to provide them for you. Our goal is the same as yours: getting you warm throughout a Pennsylvania winter. We’re specialists and we have all the power to help you get the service you desire.

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When Do You Need to Call for Heating Repair?

January 11th, 2021

You’ve got a house that’s colder than it should be, and that isn’t right—because you’ve been trying to run the heater. Something isn’t working. Obviously, you don’t want to just shrug and ignore it, and then have your family wear parkas indoors for the rest of the winter. It sounds like you need to call us for heating repairs in Wexford, PA.

But wait a moment … sometimes there may be a simple explanation behind why your heater isn’t providing you with the comfort you expect. There are troubleshooting steps you can take to make sure there isn’t a basic problem you can quickly correct. So before you call for heating repair, here are a few steps to take:

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Geothermal Heat Pumps: Everything You Need to Know

January 11th, 2021

A geothermal heat pump is simply one of the coolest inventions of modern history–not that we are biased as a HVAC company or anything! What is so amazing about geothermal is the fact that you are using the heat from the soil right below you to keep your home warm during the winter months. Then, in the summer you extract the heat from your home and send it back to the ground. You don’t need a lot of energy from the utility company in order to do this (just a little bit for moving parts) so your bill goes way down. 

Yes, the cost upfront is higher, but you also get the benefit of claiming a tax credit against it. This year the credit for a geothermal project is 22% of the total cost of the installation.  So, in short, your bill can go down to about a third of what it is, your installation price really costs you 78% of the price while you use renewable energy! What’s not to love?!

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When You Need Better IAQ

December 28th, 2020

If you’ve struggled with your home’s heating this season and exhausted all your possible solutions to fix your home’s heater, you’re going to need to turn to your home’s indoor air quality. When people think about warmth in winter, they tend to think about their heater all on its own. This is a logical solution to come to and we understand this, but we don’t want you to stop here. Your indoor air quality is often something that’s overlooked when considering your comfort and it’s equally as important.

If you want better HVAC services in Cranberry Township, PA, we’re the team you can turn to for indoor air quality advice. We’ll assess your home and tell you exactly what you need. Today though, we’re here to give you the preliminary information you need involving your indoor air quality services.

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When to Call for a Plumber

December 14th, 2020
A burst pipe - what you want to avoid this winter

You have a little leak in your home, but you think you can handle it on your own. It’s nothing too big. It’s nothing a screw can’t fix, right?

Unfortunately, you’d be wrong in this situation! The best thing to do is always to invest in a professional plumber in Wexford, PA. You want a plumber that’s going to do right by your home. You can trust our plumbers for the work because we have more than 50 years in the business. We also have a fundamental goal of positivity, safety, pride, and respect. We’re going to get the work done and we’re going to do it well.

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7 Ways to Lower Your Heating Bills

November 30th, 2020
hand drawing check box on a white background

It’s cold out and you’re relying on your heater more than ever. You want to stay warm, but you want to keep your heating bills low too, right? There are a few simple ways you can do this. We’re here to run you through some of the best ways to do this today.

We specialize in everything heating in Butler, PA. If you want to improve your heating this winter, we’re here to help you do it in more ways than one. You can rely on our professionals for everything you’re looking for: the tips, the expertise, and the professional service.

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“What’s Wrong With My Furnace?”

November 16th, 2020

So many of us look forward to the winter season. You can look forward to warm days spent indoors cozied up with your loved ones, cups of hot cocoa, and all your favorite holiday movies. Although there’s so much to look forward to during the winter season, encountering a heating problem during the height of winter can be the worst.

Although you might encounter a little heating trouble this winter, we’re here to help you with everything. Call us when you want furnace repair in Wexford, PA. We’re the experts so we can provide you with absolutely everything you need when it comes to heating services. We have a full team of experts ready to help you.

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