Key Signs You Need AC Repair

May 16th, 2022

Is there trouble in paradise with your air conditioning system? We want you to take note of any air conditioning problems that you might have in your home and address them as soon as possible. We understand that this can feel a little overwhelming, but that’s why our professionals are here to guide you through it. We understand the details of air conditioning repair in Butler County, PA.

We talk to our homeowners and have ongoing relationships with them concerning their HVAC systems. Through these conversations, we’ve come to understand that one of the biggest obstacles is understanding when you need air conditioning repair work. We’re here to make sure you know the signs that you need air conditioning repair work.

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How to Have the Perfect AC Install

May 2nd, 2022

Now that the weather is warming up, you might want to consider a new air conditioner if things are heading south. If you’ve come to this point, then it’s time to schedule an appointment with us. We’re experts in everything air conditioning in Butler County, PA.

We make it a point to understand the perspective of the homeowner. We know the process of acquiring a new air conditioner is often stressful. If you want to improve your home’s comfort, then it’s time to schedule an appointment with our professionals. We can replace your home’s air conditioning unit in record time. If you’re trying to prepare for the work that’s ahead, here are a few things you should consider. 

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3 Reasons We Recommend Thermostat Upgrades

April 18th, 2022

If you’re looking to improve your home’s comfort, then we suggest you start with small upgrades. The smallest upgrades that you make in your home can make the biggest difference comfort-wise. One of our favorites is a thermostat upgrade in Butler County, PA. Thermostat upgrades are a minor change that you can make in your home, but they can make a huge difference because they control the entire function of your house. 

Today, we want to get into why thermostat upgrades are so important. We find that many homeowners overlook this type of upgrade and deal with a variety of efficiency issues because of it. We can help you get your home in impeccable shape. 

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Radon Mitigation 101: What You Should Know

April 4th, 2022

Getting a healthy home starts with the right indoor air quality. If you’re trying to keep you and your family members safe, one of the things you should pay attention to is the presence of radon in your home. Getting your home tested for the presence of radon can protect you and your family members from potential cancer.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, exposure to radon has been linked to deaths by lung cancer and it’s the leading cause of lung cancer in individuals who don’t smoke. Because of this, it’s worthwhile to prevent it and protect yourself against it. This is when our professionals step in with their expertise in radon mitigation in Butler County, PA. Although this is a real threat to homeowners in our area, it’s a new concept to many. Today, we’re going to give you the rundown. Let’s get into everything you need to know below…

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All the Benefits of an At-Home EV Charger

March 21st, 2022

The world is getting both “greener” and “smarter.” Most of us have a smart phone, tablet, and maybe even smart devices like thermostats and smoke detectors in our homes. It’s also likely that you’re doing your part to go green. You might have switched over to reusable bags or upgraded to an electric vehicle. 

If you’ve upgraded to an electric vehicle and you want to marry convenience, energy efficiency, and cost efficiency, then we suggest considering an EV charger installation in Butler County, PA. Today, we’ll spend some time going over the best benefits of this addition to your home. Let’s get into it below…

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Why Is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air?

March 7th, 2022

The absolute last thing you want from your furnace is for it to blow out cold air, especially during chilly months. This is doubly true when you live in a northern city like Butler, Pennsylvania. If this happens with your furnace, don’t panic. There are a few potential reasons for a malfunction, and many of them are diagnosable without having to call in a specialist. Even if you do need professional help, understanding potential problems with your furnace makes you a more capable homeowner. Let’s explore some reasons why your furnace might be blowing out cold air below.

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You Should Call an Electrician for These 5 Issues

February 21st, 2022

It can be all too frustrating to have trouble with your home’s electrical system. It becomes even more troublesome when you can’t determine if the problem you’re having is worthy of an urgent call to a professional. As professionals, we understand the burden is on us as the experts to inform you about electrical issues. We want to clear up any confusion you might encounter today. 

If you’re looking for an electrician in Gibsonia, PA, then we recommend turning to our team members. We’re known for quality care. Our motto is “we treat your home like it’s our grandma’s home” because of our reputation for thorough work and friendly technicians. You can always count on us to deliver. 

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Pop Quiz: Is It Time to Clean Your Drains?

February 7th, 2022

Plumbing is one of those areas of the home that can seem like somewhat of a mystery. After all, most of your home’s plumbing system is tucked away out of sight and out of mind. Your drains should be at the forefront of your mind, though. This is because your drains are one of the most important parts of your plumbing system. If you’re looking for a plumber in Butler, PA whom you can trust, then make sure you consider our team. Our slogan is that “we treat your home like it’s our grandma’s home,” and it’s true. We have values that run deep and we make sure to showcase them in our work. We care about the services we perform and we want you to always have the best plumbing work around. Today, we’ll help you figure out if drain cleaning is necessary for you right now. 

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Should You Repair Your Heater or Upgrade?

January 24th, 2022

When you’re having problems with your heater, the big question to ask eventually becomes should you repair your heater or replace it?

We understand how you might have trouble making this decision. After all, it’s not like your heater can talk to you and tell you when it’s ready to be upgraded. You just have to look for the signs.

If you’re wondering what signs point to repair versus what signs point to replacement, then you’ve found the right blog. We’re going to take the time today to inform you about heating repair in Wexford, PA. If you read through this blog and you still have questions, then it’s time to pick up the phone or schedule an appointment online. We’re happy to discuss specifics with you. 

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Key Warning Signs That You Need Furnace Repair

January 10th, 2022

The average temperature in Butler County is near freezing during this season. We know you’re arming up for the cold weather when you step outdoors. This is to be expected. One thing you should never have to do is put on several layers of clothing just to sit in your home. If this is a problem that you’re encountering, then it’s time to consider furnace repair in Allision Park, PA

The tricky thing about a furnace is that the signs that yours isn’t working properly can be subtle. We don’t want these to get out of hand and lead to a breakdown. We’re going to point out some of the top ones for you today. If you notice any of these signs, then it may be time for you to schedule an appointment for furnace repair. 

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