How Cold Weather Can Cause Plumbing Problems

December 27th, 2021

It’s cold and that’s no secret. We’re officially reaching that time of year where we experience the coldest temperatures yet. This time of year is also when you’re probably your busiest at work and in your personal life. Things can get hectic, we’re definitely feeling the stress too. Although it’s common to feel this way during this time of the year, it’s incredibly important to keep your home in proper shape so that you avoid problems. One of the potential areas for problems that we want to focus on today is your plumbing system. 

Cold weather can bring issues to light in many areas. If you find yourself running into trouble this season, then we suggest that you get yourself a reliable plumber in Cranberry Township, PA. We’re a team of professionals who care and it shows in our work. 

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What’s Causing Your Furnace Trouble

December 13th, 2021

It’s cold in Butler County and you need your heater. The number one problem that you might run into in the next few months is a furnace problem. If you’re having trouble with your furnace, we want to help you with your furnace repair in Wexford, PA. The last thing you want to do is wait on this type of work. Waiting is going to allow your furnace problem to get worse.

Today, we’re going to focus on the problems that cause heating repair in the first place. 

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When to Get Your Furnace Repaired

November 15th, 2021

It’s cold out, the holidays are getting closer and closer on the calendar, and we’re sure you’re doing everything you can to stay cozy. We know that everyone hopes for a hassle-free winter. If something does go wrong with your furnace, though, then it’s important to address this issue with the proper furnace repair in Butler, PA

The last thing you want to do when you notice an issue is to wait to address it. We know how easy it is to notice an issue and let time pass before you have a professional come out to address it. Life moves fast and time can begin to slip through your fingers because of it. Although it’s easy to procrastinate, we want you to take note of these issues and get the right furnace repair as a result. 

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How Your Ceiling Fan Can Help During Winter

November 1st, 2021

You’ll want all the help you can get staying warm indoors during the winter. Did you know your ceiling fans can actually help out with this? Yes, that’s correct: you may have overlooked an important ally in your house when it comes to winter comfort.

This isn’t something that many homeowners in our area realize. This is why our electricians in Cranberry Township, PA can help you out. Today, we want to talk about how a ceiling fan can help with your home comfort, why it helps, and other things you can do to improve your heating this winter.

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How to Avoid Pipe Bursts

October 18th, 2021

Now that the winter season is upon us, it’s important to be mindful of how the cold weather can affect your home’s plumbing system. What’s even more important than this is preparing your home for everything that’s ahead. Pipe bursts aren’t just an unfortunate and inevitable circumstance. Instead, they’re something that you can prevent. We’re here to help you with this. 

Although you can prepare your plumbing, it’s still possible for things to go wrong. If you’re looking for great plumbers in Sarver, PA, then we’re the team that you can count on. We make sure that each one of our professionals is well trained and ready to perform. Contact us when you want high-quality service. 

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It’s Time to Schedule Your Heating Maintenance Appointment

October 4th, 2021

We’ve finally reached the point in the year where you should make the effort to schedule your heating maintenance appointment. This is the perfect time of year to do it. Yes, fall has technically arrived, but it’s not too chilly that you’re behind the curve. If you schedule a maintenance appointment in the next few weeks, you’ll still be preparing your heater for the coldest temperatures of winter. We’re going to help you get the heating assistance you need. 

We’re specialists in HVAC maintenance in Wexford, PA. When you want great service, we’re prepared to deliver it. Let’s chat below about everything you should know when it comes to heating maintenance. We’re the team who cares. You’re in good hands with our professionals. 

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Bill Kennihan Honored with Butler County Chamber Entrepreneur of the Year Award

September 23rd, 2021

We’re excited to announce that Bill Kennihan won the 2020 William A. Morgan Jr. Entrepreneur of the Year award from the Butler County Chamber of Commerce for 2020. Although this award was technically presented to Bill last year, we were able to come together to actually receive it this year. The annual Celebrate Business event was one to remember and we’re proud of Bill Kennihan’s success!

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Cold Weather Plumbing Issues and How to Handle Them

September 20th, 2021

Winter is on the horizon and fall is here. If you’re starting to feel the chill in the air, then that means it’s time for you to start getting your home ready. We’re not just talking about bringing out your favorite blankets, getting some fall scents burning, or even tuning up your heater. All these things are great, but today we’d like to focus on your plumbing. 

Your plumbing goes through a lot throughout the year and this is especially important in winter. If the cold weather gets the best of you and you need a plumber in Cranberry Township, PA, then we want to help you get the services you need. It’s important to take care of your home and be as proactive as possible. 

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Put Your Attic Fan to Work This Year

September 6th, 2021

This is the year we want you to put your attic fan to work and even consider getting one if you don’t have one already. Attic fans are great because they help you use your HVAC systems less and achieve comfort with greater ease. We find that homeowners just aren’t putting enough emphasis on these systems, so we’re here to do our part today. 

We have a full team of Mars, PA electricians ready to work for you. When we say “work,” we mean much more than just the actual execution of your electrical services. We also mean answering any of the questions you might have. We’re going to get started on this today.

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7 Signs You Need a New Air Conditioner

August 23rd, 2021

Eventually, the day is going to come where you need to get yourself a new air conditioner. We’re the team you can come to when you need to craft a game plan to get yourself a new unit.

We find that the trickiest thing about HVAC installation in Wexford, PA, is identifying when it’s the right time to switch. Finding the right time can feel complicated. After all, it can be hard to differentiate between problems that are benign issues and problems that are going to lead to failure. We understand this so we want to make things clear for you below. Here are some things you should watch out for.

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