A geothermal heat pump is simply one of the coolest inventions of modern history–not that we are biased as a HVAC company or anything! What is so amazing about geothermal is the fact that you are using the heat from the soil right below you to keep your home warm during the winter months. Then, in the summer you extract the heat from your home and send it back to the ground. You don’t need a lot of energy from the utility company in order to do this (just a little bit for moving parts) so your bill goes way down.
Yes, the cost upfront is higher, but you also get the benefit of claiming a tax credit against it. This year the credit for a geothermal project is 22% of the total cost of the installation. So, in short, your bill can go down to about a third of what it is, your installation price really costs you 78% of the price while you use renewable energy! What’s not to love?!